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Social Skills Unscripted

Social Skills is Canceled adhd adhdfriends autism autism friends social groups social skills socialskillsgroups Jul 02, 2023

All about how and why I went from being a go-to social skills expert to not teaching social skills at all! Now I teach social groups focusing on teaching our kids the things that REALLY matter when it comes to making friends, and I’m on a mission to help others do the same!

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Autism, ADHD and Apologizing adhd friends apology autism autism friends autistic social groups social skills Aug 25, 2022

(You can listen to this on our podcast HERE or watch on YouTube HERE.)


Does your kiddo refuse to apologize for things, even when there is evidence of the crime? Or do they apologize for everything?? Why is the concept of apologizing difficult for autistic and ADHD kids? I'm going to...

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