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What my 2-star podcast review has to do with our autistic and ADHD kids

Jul 01, 2023

In this episode, we're talking about the SECOND most important concept in our program at Starfish Social Club: Helpful social feedback!

None of us are able to make progress if we aren't getting helpful feedback from important people in our lives! Without feedback, we aren't able to address the things that people may find annoying, frustrating, selfish, etc. about us! At Starfish Social Club, we teach all of our students to give each other social feedback. When our kiddos do things that may be socially awkward, inappropriate, or unexpected, other kids tend to have two responses: They give our kids NO feedback, or they give NEGATIVE feedback. Neither of those helps our kids understand what they said or did that is causing their reputation to be what it is.

We walk through how we teach our kids to give and receive feedback, and why it's so important.

You can listen to the podcast episode HERE.

You can watch the YouTube video HERE.