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Strategies for healthier ADHD brains with Bobbi Westbrook

adhd adhdanxiety adhddiet adhdnutrition adhdorganization adhdtransitions Aug 07, 2023

I have never thought of myself as someone who interrupts a lot. And then I listened to the recording of this week's podcast episode. Yikes! 


In my defense, I interrupted so much because I related so strongly to what my guest was sharing, and because I had so much personal experience to contribute to the discussion! Excuses and interruptions aside, it is a great episode.


In this week's podcast episode with Bobbi Westbrook, we are talking about strategies to create healthier ADHD brains. 


A lot of the things Bobbi shares I just learned and started applying in the last few years. Mostly because I just received my ADHD diagnosis in 2021. But I can only imagine how much it would have benefitted younger me to have these practices established when I was a kid.


In addition to what Bobbi shares, I also talk about my theory on why people with ADHD are more likely to also have anxiety, and why the concept of 'moderation' is lost on ADHD brains.


Here's a soundbite from the episode: 

Helping give our child an environment that helps their brain function the best, and then helping parents respond to their kids empathetically and understand how their brains are working just a little bit differently will help everybody just cooperate more together in life and hopefully bring a lot more peace into the home. And then, by the time those kids reach adolescence and teenage years, they have so many coping mechanisms and skills and tools that they can use to really thrive as they get more responsibility, and they have more privileges like phones and things like that. A story that I hear constantly with teenagers is: “I’m constantly taking their phone away to try to get them to do their homework and I’m constantly grounding them because they didn’t do x,y,z when I asked them to.” And I’m like, man, if we can head that off when they’re 5, 6, 7 years old and get you all’s relationship established so that you can understand each other and be on the same page, you don’t have to do any of that. They are able to flow into young adulthood with a lot more confidence, and with the parent having a lot more confidence in them.



Check out this week's episode with Bobbi for strategies on how to support your kiddo's (or your own) ADHD brain. You can listen to this week's episode HERE or watch it on YouTube HERE. 


Contact Bobbi:


email: [email protected]